You can trust bad liars.
It is dark and there are bad creatures in these woods." "Yes, there are...
It's rally bad when dads cry.
As long as the sun’s shining, shit can’t be that bad.
The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.
For 'Breaking Bad,' it was like, that's one of the best pilots, probably the best pilot I have ever read.
The best of men cannot suspend their fate: The good die early, and the bad die late.
Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.
The bad guy always gets the best scene and the best lines in the film, and they usually get the most days off.
Break your bad labels instead of living in them.
Bad artists always admire each others work.
The problem and the question on 'Breaking Bad' is always 'Where is Walt's head at?'
I got lost a lot, and I was a really bad waitress... I got lost on the subway.
It is a bad plan that admits of no modification.
how sad and bad and mad it was - but then, how it was sweet
There is no bad whiskey. There are only some whiskeys that aren't as good as others.
If you cant fight THE bad happening to you...then u deserve it
All you need is a bad angle and suddenly you're 30 pounds overweight.
In Utah, there are no bad things in the water there. It's just smooth, really beautiful.
I have a tendency to face my bad fantasies in my books.
Bad moments don't last forever, things do get better.