Praise makes good people better and bad people worse.
What constitutes the character of a nation is the character of many individual human beings; every national character is in essence, simply human nature. All the worlds nations, therefore, have a great deal in common with one another. The foundation ...
Police are not all bad guys. Nobody is all bad guys.
Well-reported news is a public good; bad news is bad for everyone.
Every thriller needs a good bad guy; without a bad guy, there's no thriller.
You got good and bad people everywhere.
There are no bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad intentions, and wooooords.
a good woman was talked out of being with a good man and a good man talked himself out of being with that good woman because that good woman was talked out of being with that good man and so that good man stopped trying to be that good man and that g...
I think a good story's a good story and a good character's a good character.
A bad man in Zion City is a good man in Chicago.
You must learn to be three people at once: writer, character, and reader.
I kind of cheer the presence of any gay characters at all - I think the more we can saturate television with any gay character or lesbian character or transgender character, I think that's a really great thing. We're kind of getting past the fact tha...
The Wolf: You see that, young lady? Respect. Respect for one's elders gives character. Raquel: I have character. The Wolf: Just because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character.
The writer's characters must stand before us with a wonderful clarity, such continuous clarity that nothing they do strikes us as improbable behavior for just that character, even when the character's action is, as sometimes happens, something that c...
I've had some tremendous adventures, good and bad. It's part of the novel, and a novel isn't interesting if it doesn't have some good and bad. And you don't know what good is if bad hasn't been a part of your life.
Good and Bad is inside everybody. The difference is that the Good remember when they have also been bad and the Bad remember when they have only been good.
Crime and punishment can be summed up in two classifications: there are bad people and there are people who get into bad situations. The lines for liberation and rehabilitation should first begin with the people who get into bad situations.
Lester Siegel: Bad news, bad news. Even when it's good news, it's bad news. John Wayne in the ground 6 months and this is what is left of America.
If you have a good case, try to compromise; if you have a bad one, take it to court.
We tend to connect bad food and bad habits with romance and sex.
Life is not a bowl full of cherries, there's good and bad stuff.