In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; these follow you as the shadow follows the body.
Wife credit is like a piece of fish. As soon as you get it, it starts to go bad.
People are like pickles- some are sour, some are sweet, and some leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Steep fall to the ground shattering like clay pigeons missed by bad shots and unsteady hands.
It's bad to grow old before your time. It's worse to not grow at all within your mind,
If you look closely at 'Breaking Bad' and any given episode of 'The X Files,' you will realise the structure is exactly the same.
I play piano and drums very poorly and French horn and tuba all equally as bad.
I think I have this field around me that makes electronics work bad. It's not like an entropy thing; it happens very quickly.
Some people are just not going to like me and they're not going to like my work. But that doesn't mean I'm a bad person.
Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team.
If you've worked in Australia, you can't get away with bad behaviour like showing up late. We take our work ethic very seriously.
I think it's bad to talk about one's present work, for it spoils something at the root of the creative act. It discharges the tension.
There's just something about vampires that's sexy. It's the same reason why women go for the bad boy - you want them but you shouldn't have them.
Herondales." Zachariah's voice was a breath, half laughter, half pain. "I had almost forgotten. No other family does so much for love, or feels so much guilt for it. Don't carry the weight of the world on you, Jace. It's too heavy for even a Herondal...
Before me floats an image, man or shade, Shade more than man, more image than a shade; For Hades' bobbin bound in mummy-cloth May unwind the winding path; A mouth that has no moisture and no breath Breathless mouths may summon; ("Byzantium")
We live and breathe words. It was books that kept me from taking my own life after I thought I could never love anyone, never be loved again. It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I ...
What's wrong, little sis? You look upset." She could barely catch her breath. " polish slapping your... worthless face. See?" She showed him her finger - just one of them. "Cute" He snorted.
Just this once, in the very heart of the busiest of cities, everyone was perfectly content not to move and hardly to breathe. And for those few minutes, while the song lasted, Times Square was still as a meadow at evening, with the sun streaming in o...
But she left him. That night the angels came back for her, like she'd asked them to. And nobody who saw the heartbreak on Grandpa's face when Granny breathed her last would have thought for one minute that he was glad to get shet of her . . . .
I’m broken. Fucked up. I feel sick. I can’t breathe. It’s like someone’s snaked their fingers around my heart, capturing it in a crushing grip. It’s Emma. This is her doing. Well, it won’t fucking bleed for her. It won’t bleed for anyon...
I don't know if I have ever truly believed that everyone deserves love. But if I had to take it one moment further into those shadowed valleys of heartfull, I would admit that I do believe that love, deserves everyone.