The very first television ad targeted to women was produced by the Eisenhower-Nixon campaign in 1956. It includes footage of a woman supervising her children doing their homework at the kitchen table.
There were theoretical elements in the subjection of women and it is not possible to avoid the conclusion that a large contribution was made to them by the Church. In part this was a matter of its hostile stance towards sexuality.
Every year I teach dozens of students at the University of Birmingham. Most of the students on the gender and sexuality courses are women. I guess this is because the boys don't think that gender applies to them: that it's a subject for girls.
The very qualities that make it harder for women to get elected - not being part of the old boy's network - gives them the advantage of having fresh, and yes, clean faces.
Not only is it not remarkable to be a single woman, there's no stigma attached. You see more and more women choosing to be single as well as happenstance.
I know full well how important women are in diplomacy and development. I grew up with seven sisters.
They say that women dress for other women, but I don't think that's entirely true. If we want to look flossy out-and-about on a Friday night, we're dressing for the boys - and it's nice when they notice.
Young women, adolescent girls, are more subject to infection, sometimes at a rate of six times that of boys. That tells you a lot about the vulnerability of women.
If women want any rights more than they's got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it.
American boys should not be seen dying on the nightly news. Wars should be over in three days or less, or before Congress invokes the War Powers Resolution.
It is unconscionable that 10,000 boys have died in Vietnam. If 10,000 American women had mind enough they could end the war, if they were committed to the task, even if it meant going to jail.
I go into Daunt Books in Marylebone every couple of weeks. My wife Sara demolishes books, but I only buy stuff occasionally. I like boys' things, spies and the Cold War.
People always blame the girl; she should have said no. A monosyllable, but conventional wisdom has always been that boys can't manage it.
The devil is a bad devil.
I never wanted anything as bad as I want you
Sometimes bad things have to happen before good things can.
Because sometimes you have to do something bad to do something good.
I need to stop getting into situations where all my options are potentially bad.
The bad part is life continues. The good part is that the pain goes away.
Paperwork wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for all the paper. And the work.
It's nothing serious," he said. "It's just an obsession.