Never bet your money on another man's game.
He really was beautiful. I know boys aren’t supposed to be, but he was.
What age is a black boy when he learns he's scary?
Do not wait for the tide to take you, my boy. Instead, you take on the tide
(Brin) 'How good is your lawyer, on a scale of Atticus Finch to Franklin and Bash?
No exchange rate for the confidence of youth.
In wars, boy, fools kill other fools for foolish causes
Empathy is what separates human beings from teenage boys.
Nice jewelry and a boys corpse. Oh you're so pretty.
... And the boy whose hair remained the color of lemons forever.
At the age of about eight years, if he is a boy, she turns him over to his father for more Spartan training.
I grew up with all boys in my family, where there was no place for girlie stuff. But it's amazing to walk into my house now. Everything is pink!
The art of DJing is sharing music with one another... The technology's definitely taking it into a new direction to where it's really becoming performance-based.
At hun er i live er bra, men det er ikke dét det handler om.
I met a boy. And when he smiled, my life began.
When I was a little boy, I used to work in a sweatshop. We made deodorant.
…she rejoiced as only mothers can in the good fortunes of their children.
…having learned that people cannot be moulded like clay…
People were clueless. All they ever went by was appearance and rumor.
No, but it’s your reality now. Put on your big-boy pants and deal with it.
I’m doing boy detox. Like a diet, only for my emotional health.