Bad reviews come with everything. I've been getting them my whole life.
Your life can only be as good or as bad as you frequently interpret it to be.
I've been getting some bad publicity - but you got to expect that.
Where everything is bad it must be good to know the worst.
It is strange how little harm bad codes do.
When anything bad happens, my insecurities come flooding out.
Goodness is sparked by a caution for the sake of what is good, not fear of what is bad.
To be intuitive is to possess a godly characteristic, to be bad at second-guessing the good.
I cannot be so bad when everybody is so fond of me.
I have had so many bad auditions.
Bad presidents don't deserve holidays. They deserve scorn.
I don't think that Washington is a fundamentally bad or corrupt place.
I am really bad at actually interviewing people.
Tithing is a bad ceiling but an excellent floor.
If somebody at least listens, it's not too bad." ~ Holden Caufield
Everything bad about France was transferred to Quebec.
Governments are run by people. People can be bad.
If a brutal scene is shown for no reason except to shock, then it is bad.
Most animals are built to withstand one bad year.
I just took the good and the bad from all of the coaches I've been around.
Having no competition is a bad thing. Competition makes you try to improve yourself all the time.