He quickly left the room, and when he shut the door behind him he leaned his back against it, tilted his head back, and put his palms to his eyes before bowing his head. "....That was too close," he murmured under his breath..
I slowly climbed back to my feet, walked back into the emergency department through the silently swishing glass doors, and, covered in my girlfriend's blood, lied perfectly for the first time in my life. "I tried to stop her.
Oh, this coming back to an empty house,' Rupert thought, when he had seen her safely up to her door. People - though perhaps it was only women - seemed to make so much of it. As if life itself were not as empty as the house one was coming back to.
...being Lulu, it made me realize that all my life I've been living in a small, square room, with no windows and no doors. And I was fine. I was happy, even. I thought. Then someone came along and showed me there was a door in the room. One that I'd ...
I never got to call myself a door-to-door salesman, because, regrettably, I only ever went to one door. But one day I just might knock on another door, to be able to proudly say that I was once a door-to-door salesman.
With the warmth of an alien sun on his back, Jacob took a deep breath at the door and knocked.
This is the way the world ends; not with a bang or a whimper, but with zombies breaking down the back door.
We sat here during Irene in '99 with the back door open. We drank and watched all the stuff fly by.
Lying and stealing are next door neighbors.
[Thorwald forces Jeff's apartment door open and stands before him, closing the door behind him] Lars Thorwald: What do you want from me? [Jeff does not reply] Lars Thorwald: Your friend, the girl, could have turned me in. Why didn't she? [no reply] L...
They say that when one door closes, another opens. Why just one and not many? It stands to reason that if there are two doors there have to be more. Besides doors are doors; they open and close all the time. That is what they’re meant to do. If a d...
Shane Patton: I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a UDT Navy SEAL diver. I'll wine, dine, intertwine, and sneak out the back door when the refueling is done. So if you're feeling froggy, then you better jump, because this frogman's been there, done that ...
Knowledge unlocks the door to the mysteries of our mistakes; wisdom guides us away from repeating them". HS/el
If I wear bright colors or something, I'll tie all my hair back. I don't want to look too like 'Girls Next Door.'
The greatest fear dogs know is the fear that you will not come back when you go out the door without them.
I am really bothered when I see my friends facing problems back in Iran, but I tell them that not all the doors are shut.
Rosemary Cross: I'll show you the door. Max Fischer: I'll just go back out the window.
You use the body as a medium to bring the mind back to the brain. Perfect married between body and mind. Then, you can knock the door to the spirit.
Problems, Troubles, Difficulty, Barrier, Hurdle, Stumbling Block, Termination, Set Backs, Obstacles are the Doors to Opportunities." Make a use of it:-)
Waiting insistently in front of a tightly closed door is unfair to all of the open doors! Give a chance to the open doors!
The Governor: [setting a recurring theme of imprisonment throughout the film] Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!... Open the door!