All I can do is read a book to stay awake, and it rips my life away, but it's a great escape.
Lucy in the sky. Without her I am the walrus, likely to lose myself in dark gibberish and fade away.” Lance Underphal, Cut-Throat Syndrome.
Don't take my pain away, leave my pain right there, you could even put more pain inside my pain and it wouldn't bother me.
No tricks, Syn,” Ryder growled from where he stood a few feet away. “Tricks are for kids, silly rabbit,” I said
With people you love, you should try to spend as much free time as you can with them ,because they might not aways be there.
His worried face falls away and is replaced with what can only be described as a glow--like someone who has a terrific secret and they're about to let you in on it.
I have walked myself into my best thoughts and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.
If truth be told, I came away ‘almost’ believing in their existence. (Author Nikki B. on 'ORPHANS - Time is running out' by Ian Dewar)
Everything in life changes after some time. Problems, stress, difficulties, etc. just give it some time and it will all fade away.
The pen is mightier than the sword unless it's a real sword in which case the guy with the pen should run away fast.
Brushing the clouds away from my eyes, I see clarity in the raindrop and beauty in the first ray of morning sun... Life is strange and wondrous...
I want people to come away from my book with questions. Questions about virtue and goodness. Not answers.
When I was about 10 I ran away to see my father. He couldn't have cared less. He just took me back as soon as he could.
The first thing you have to understand is that I was not desperate to be a writer. I was never a closet writer filing away notes in a cupboard.
Loveliest of lovely things are they on earth that soonest pass away. The rose that lives its little hour is prized beyond the sculptured flower.
You don't have to go away to know where your home is, everyone knows where their home is. And if you don't, you've got problems.
Because she was so beautiful the huntsman took pity on her, and he said, "Run away, you poor child.
The chains of military despotism, once fastened upon a nation, ages might pass away before they could be shaken off.
Is that what love is all about? Needing them to come back to you when they're away? To come home and keep you safe?
And so I'm saying that, yes, colonialism was terrible, and I describe it as a legacy of wars, but we ought to be moving away from that by now.
All of fiction is truthful. What you create is your own truth and no one can take that away or change it.