If you tell people to live together, you tell them to quarrel.
If you make yourself into a doormat, people will wipe their feet on you.
For most people love of justice is no more than the fear to suffer injustice.
People always make the wolf more formidable than he is.
People count the faults of those who keep them waiting.
It is difficult to scare people who think they will profit from dying.
Empty barrels and insignificant people always make the most noise.
Never let people see the bottom of your purse or of your mind.
Dogs cannot make dreams come true -- people must do that.
A house full of people is a house full of different points of view.
If you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other people.
You don't get a headache from what other people have drunk.
Invite people into your parlor, and they will come into your bedroom.
A friend is someone who doesn't like the same people you do.
People who have bread to eat do not appreciate the severity of a famine.
If you give people nuts, you'll get shells thrown at you.
Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
Saying of the Prophet THE PEOPLE It is the people who are God's family. (Muhammad the Prophet)
In truth, there are no good people. There are only the decisions we make and the circumstances we live in.
Some people are busy working on their pose instead of their purpose.
She was addicted to literature like some people were addicted to heroin.