The sanity of the average banquet speaker lasts about two and a half months; at the end of that time he begins to mutter to himself, and calls out in his sleep.
On average, drug prisoners spend more time in federal prison than rapists, who often get out on early release because of the overcrowding in prison caused by the Drug War.
In Washington, if you're a congressman or a senator or the President, you make much more money than the average American, but you'd think that if you were the leader of the free world you'd be making major bank, and you don't.
When I was in jail I could only think about what the average person has to go through - the person who has no power to go to the press or no money to hire a lawyer.
Personally, I can't see why it would be any less romantic to find a husband in a nice four-color catalogue than in the average downtown bar at happy hour.
Playing athletics, playing a lot of different sports, going to drama school... I was one of those kids who wanted to do everything, so I ended up being pretty average at everything.
The problem is that for women, the average time is just over 14 minutes... men are left with about 12 minutes during which time they need to think of something to do!
Women, on average, earn less than men in almost every occupation, including traditional female orientated jobs like nursing and teaching.
For a developing country, average long-run growth of 5 percent a year per capita is excellent, and 7 percent is stellar.
About two-thirds of bachelor's degree holders borrow to go to school, and on average they're graduating with more than $26,000 in debt.
Space is certainly something more complicated than the average person would probably realize. Space is not just an empty background in which things happen.
The average European does not seem to feel free until he succeeds in enslaving and oppressing others.
Just to keep up with population growth, on average our economy needs to be adding about 125,000 jobs per month.
If you are only doing what you are getting paid for, and doing it no better than the average employee, then your pay is most likely right where it should be.
Currently, the average age of exposure to hardcore pornography is 9 years old. None of this can be good for anyone... except the sex industry.
Take your average couscous salad, and it's almost always a sloppy mush, no matter how much attention has gone into getting flavours in there.
For almost anyone who chooses to be a writer, since so very few writers are able to learn a living from their work that is equivalent to the living earned by the average dentist or accountant.
When I was creating my Luxhair Now wig line, I was listening to what my fans were saying online because I wanted to make something that the average woman could wear to work.
In daytime, you're shooting an episode a day, which is on average about 90 pages of script a day. That is very hectic. On '90210,' you get to work through it a little more. You're not just flying through it just to get it done.
I made a decision not to work out because I'm lazy and also, the character is not a superhero. I didn't want him to be a buff guy with Jackie Chan moves because the point is he's smarter than your average Joe.
Divorced women, compared to married women, are less satisfied with their lives, which is not surprising. But they're actually more cheerful, when you look at the average mood they're in in the course of the day.