I believe in the power of intention to change the landscape of our society - and it is my intention to live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action. Jamey Rodemeyer's life changed mine.
What makes a loft authentic isn't its layout or its history but its ability to give people a true home - a dwelling that reflects their personalities and aspirations, including their dreams of urbanity.
There's no authoritarian structure at Reed College, but the education is conservative. So what you have is a lot of students who are very authentically looking for truth.
Yes, in all my research, the greatest leaders looked inward and were able to tell a good story with authenticity and passion.
A good novel should be deeply unsettling - its satisfactions should come from its authenticity and its formal coherence. We must feel something crucial is at stake.
I like men with quick wit, good conversation and a great sense of humour. I love banter. I want a man to like me for me - I want him to be authentic.
Jesus lived a life that was full of joy and contradictions and fights, you know? If they were to paint a picture of Jesus without contradictions, the gospels would be fake, but the contradictions are a sign of authenticity.
Ours is a shockingly dead view of creation. We ourselves are the only things in the universe to which we grant an authentic vitality, and because of this we are not fully alive.
Blog-based businesses have lower cost structures and are more 'authentic,' and as a result are drawing larger shares of ad budgets.
Can I “accept” a person’s anger at me as an authentic aspect of himself? Can I “accept” the person if his beliefs and values are different from mine?
You can't fake joy. Authentic joy is the kind that grows out of the soil of pain and doubt and fear, because that is the reality of the world.
When we connect with our personal authenticity and truth, the vitality that is triggered becomes an eternal spring of regenerative passion that continues to expand our experience.
Perfection of this human life happens when we take the responsibility to be and act as authentic Leaders in every life situation.
When there's an authentic mystery, as opposed to just a question being asked, that's what makes you lean forward.
I seek to be authentic and engaging, using my own experiences, being as vulnerable as I ask my clients to be, to enhance the process.
Every writer knows he is spurious; every fiction writer would rather be credible than authentic.
The merit of 'The Spy Who Came in from the Cold,' then - or its offence, depending where you stood - was not that it was authentic, but that it was credible.
Questers of the truth, that’s who dogs are; seekers after the invisible scent of another being’s authentic core.
The lust to meet authors ranks low, I think, on the roll of holy appetites; but it is an authentic pang.
Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet - thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing - consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust.
To try to be authentic these days, to ask questions of the people in power - it's difficult. This administration has evolved new techniques to handle people like me. Their strategy, in a word, is simple: ignore them.