Acting is an aesthetic career, which is annoying.
I've never considered myself to be a fashionista type of guy.
I like geography. I like to know where places are.
I used to have all the Goosebumps books as a kid too.
I had a very public battle with anorexia.
Sometimes I forget about taking care of myself.
I'm kind of a private person in a way.
Size is not grandeur, and territory does not make a nation.
I am desperate to do a comedy now.
'Merlin' was a big step; it was my first big role in a show.
I don't think I gain anything by seeing myself.
Normal people with normal problems can be hilarious.
Characters with no integrity are just as interesting as characters with lots of integrity.
At one point, I had 14 pairs of golf shoes.
Boys are so much less mature than girls as it is.
Most of my stuff, I never really watch.
The right is so reactionary it goes nowhere.
I've overcome neglect and deprivation, abandonment and abuse.
I can walk around relatively anonymously.
Actually, I think I'm funnier off-camera.
We must all learn to adjust with our surroundings.