The size of my head though is pretty abnormal.
To act well isn't an easy thing.
I got sober when I was 22 years old.
The drama nerd comes out in me when I'm in a theater.
I was born in New York.
If there is an exotic woman it's always a terrorist role.
I am not a fan of westerns particularly.
Yes, I am very prolific.
I have to go 150 percent or nothing at all.
I'll perform all the way to the grave.
You can't beat The Beatles, you join 'em.
I've always loved '60s fashion; it's so sexy.
Everyone's weird, I'm just a bit bizarre.
I went from being an ailing child to a public enemy.
Questions are a burden to others; answers are a prison for oneself.
I always try to make things fun.
I talk about being Australian a lot.
I only know what I read in the papers.
I always look forward, not back.
I don't want to be someone's entertainment.
It is the idea that it's a movie in a movie. So I did it.