Acting isn't a singular profession, it is a collaborate profession.
In 'Robin Hood,' I did quarterstaff fighting.
It was kind of enlightening to become a playwright.
I had a small part in 'Pineapple Express.'
I loved growing up in Tulsa.
I wrote a fan e-mail to Michael Chabon.
I'm a big fan of George Carlin's.
In cinema, the leading player is the director.
If you are not serious, people will sense it.
I want babies. Lots of babies. Of course!
You have to fight against being an antique.
Be happy, but never satisfied.
Misfits aren't misfits among other misfits.
I ain't running for office. I ain't running for nothing.
Silence is not only golden, it is seldom misquoted.
Are you trying to manipulate me? It's working.
I was very political when JFK ran.
I don't think I was all that late in becoming a father.
All My Bitches Are Mad At Me Right Now.
If you've never tried drugs, don't. And if you have, pray.
When you're not the lead, you don't have as many restrictions.