I spent my whole childhood looking for an escape.
If I want to wear a dress, I'll wear a dress.
I was 28 when my father died, and I was an only child.
There's no shame in enjoying the quiet life.
I was an accidental actor. I was never formally trained.
It's important to move the theatre into the 21st Century.
My career is just kind of crazy.
Singing was the big focus and outlet for me.
Bad acting is the ultimate inconsideration.
Most bad behaviour comes from insecurity.
In Los Angeles, everyone is a star.
Luck is where opportunity meets preparation.
You've got to grab every opportunity that comes up.
Prince Charles is the best-dressed man in the world.
When I get nervous, I get word vomit.
I loved 'Space Ghost' when I was in college.
I've learned not to be as maniacal as I used to be.
Horse racing is waning in popularity.
When the sun comes up, I have morals again.
You can go at the premiere it's at Disneyland.
I'm very much a bit of a ghost presence.