Ignorance is not bliss, but in my case, that was.
I didn't choose acting. The universe did.
If there's comfort involved, it's probably not for me.
It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to.
I drink therefore I am.
I don't take a scene or word for granted.
I am not the worst singer.
Violence was almost an aphrodisiac for me.
Whatever road you've been given, enjoy that road.
Brand names aren't important to me at all.
Crime and violence are the easiest emotions to reenact.
I'm neither sexy nor a star.
The schools ain't what they used to be and never was.
I've learned that it's OK to be flawed.
So don't send me up the river yet.
Never slap a man who chews tobacco.
I'm Southern Baptist, not a meteorologist.
My mother was an exuberant, silly lady.
I don't look too far ahead.
The fans make the person a star.
I rode horses since I was a kid.