You'll never be alone if you’ve got a book.
I like it when stories are left open.
I'm a little bit of a germophobe - not that bad!
I'm an artist; affirmation is like catnip to me.
People think I'm totally crackers.
I used to do community theater with Conor Oberst.
It's a very nice thing to have a baby.
I am terrified of submarines.
Girls are soft and pretty.
I'm from Sweden. We don't wear clothes in Sweden.
I don't know what anxiety is like anymore.
I suffer from anxiety attacks a lot.
I don't drink as much as I use to could.
I don't suffer of anything that I've lost.
I went from being the Terminator to being the governator.
You are the architect of your own loneliness.
I watch a lot of television. I always have.
I'm the worst person about publicizing myself.
I never have anything to talk about.
Touch'd either the Passions of Rage or Grief to a Miracle.
I only wanted to help my people.