I'm a perfectionist, so my bossiness definitely comes out.
The kids have all seen it on DVD or videotape.
Preachers denounce sin as if it was available to everyone.
Motherhood has been an exercise in guilt.
I'm hardly disinterested totally in my appearance.
It doesn't matter. What matters is that you're about to die.
I wasn't tempted to go into academia for a second.
Always two there are, a master and an apprentice.
Speaking Spanish isn't a benefit in Hollywood.
I don't know what my daughter will become.
The Americans are very clear, and obsessed with nouns.
There's monsters in all of us, but there's also vulnerability.
I was born with lots of deformities.
I'm the flavor of the month.
I like fighting because it's honest.
I spent all my youth with horses.
I play a huge variety of roles.
I get beat up on every project.
My child was not only carried by me, but by the universe.
Technically, I'm a New Yorker.
I'm just a big old nerd.