My goal is to do cartwheels for the rest of my life.
Remember kids, I have life insurance.
I lead an introverted and boring life here in California.
Life's complicated and people do things for a lot of reasons.
My entire life has been a lie.
My greatest passion is my personal life.
You can ruin your life wanting to be an actor.
I have never savored life with such gusto as I do now.
Even in normal life, I'm not the skinniest model.
I do try to live a normal life.
I want to provide a well-rounded perspective of life.
I'm a Hawaiian shirt guy. I've made that life decision.
Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.
You've got to live your life, you've got to enjoy it.
I've done a lot of things in my life.
I'm the least sexy person in real life.
My mother wasn't a stickler for the more practical approaches to life.
Have an anchor so that life doesn't toss you around.
I'm just enjoying my life at the moment.
I don't have any problems in life, just situations.
Only I know my life.