If I hadn't become a celebrity, I'd probably be an alcoholic.
My two style icons are Edie Sedgwick and Brigitte Bardot.
I was a redhead when I first came to America.
Always a bridesmaid never a bride my foot!
No one ever watched competitive swimming.
I have no memories I'm prepared to share with you.
A rubber neck is a necessary part of equipment.
I've never been one for sitting on beaches.
Different parents have different standards for their children.
Hollywood has treated me well.
I don't have television so I don't watch TV.
Sex is the last refuge of the miserable.
I actually had to learn what an Oscar was.
I don't like people touching my face.
I know I look super young.
I also do a lot of Kundalini yoga.
The funnier the material, the funnier I could make it.
The only cure for a real hangover is death.
Bullying is a terrible, terrible thing.
I'd totally be attracted to a geek girl!
Nothing's a break for me. Not even the breaks are breaks.