In every man there is an instinctive and passionate reaction if his person or liberty is attacked.
the flames are silent, Peace is violent, Tears are frozen ’cause massacre was chosen. ~~ 26/11– Mumbai terror attack memories
People who attack others need rationalizations for doing so. We undermine those rationalizations.
Attack politics costs us dearly in terms of insight into the candidates. In a presidential campaign, the focus is so tight that the politicians are afraid to say anything that hasn't been scripted.
The Democrats can engage in the most reprehensible, mean-spirited, vile, vicious verbal attacks known in politics, and they get praised for it.
The FBI's principal priority right now is protecting the United States against another terrorist attack.
I think the international community should unite to fight such inhuman phenomena as terror attacks and the murder of totally innocent people.
I do stand in opposition to those who want to implement Sharia and essentially attack the Constitution of the United States.
The whole purpose of those attacks was to drive those contractors out. Lots of them had to leave. They were terrified.
Read the writers whose work is still around and has survived the winds of fashion and the attacks of the ignorant and the bigoted - read everything you can get your hands on.
We're still expected to color within the lines of accepted femininity, and women who step out of those lines are usually attacked, whether verbally or physically.
There are only two cases in which war is just: first, in order to resist the aggression of an enemy, and second, in order to help an ally who has been attacked.
I had just turned 10-years-old when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and plunged America into World War II.
We did not start a fight with America, and we don't want a war with America. If someone launches an attack, though, we will respond. We will not take rejection or humiliation. We do not want to fight.
Since the attack on the United States on September 11 2001, and the US retaliation in Afghanistan and Iraq, there must be few people who have not felt a twinge of nostalgia for the cold war.
Let us never forget that terrorism at its heart, at its evil heart, is a psychological war. It endeavors to break the spirit and the resolve of those it attacks by creating a lose-lose situation.
The West has to take a critical look at itself and examine the apparent double standards at work that allow it to attack Iraq for possessing weapons of mass destruction but not North Korea, whose leader shared Saddam Hussein's megalomaniacal qualitie...
Rakyat yang nasionalis hendaknya belajar menghemat energi. Pemimpin dan pemerintahan yang nasionalis hendaknya memikirkan cara-cara penghematan, bukan mengeksploitas sisa sumber daya alam yang kita miliki. Kembangkan sistem transportasi massal yang m...
When you're having an asthma attack, you don't have any breath. When you don't have any breath, it's hard to speak. You're limited by the amount of air you can spend from your lungs. That's not much, something between three to six words. It gives the...
As long as a person is involved with warfare, trying to defend or attack, then his action is not sacred; it is mundane, dualistic, a battlefield situation.
—very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions—? Rather it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one's convictions