[first lines] Chihiro: [reading a card] I'll miss you, Chihiro. Your best friend, Rumi.
Spirited AwayD.C.: Why don't you just call her again? Lloyd Dobler: I draw the line at 7 unreturned phone calls.
Say Anything...Private Witt: Do you ever feel lonely? First Sgt. Edward Welsh: Only around people.
The Thin Red LinePrivate Witt: [narrating] War don't ennoble men. It turns them into dogs... poisons the soul.
The Thin Red LinePrivate Witt: Maybe all men got one big soul everybody's a part of, all faces are the same man.
The Thin Red LineFirst Sgt. Edward Welsh: What difference do you think you can make, one man in all this madness?
The Thin Red Line