Music could do that, create a magical oasis where nothing else mattered except hearing the next line of the score.
The human civilization has gone extremely so far; that in return, we have lost the line between stupidity and spirituality.
Don't you see? You can't be brave without being afraid. The brave ones are always afraid. But they do what they must, even so.
That's your mom, right?" Pathik smiled. "She looks nicer than she did when she was dragging you away the other night.
The leader’s job is to show the way. The bottom line is that you can’t tell anything about the condition of the way if you've not traveled on it yourself!
Hope is putting Faith "on the line" and expecting results! (from Mission Possible - Spiritual Covering)
from CHAOS? Trust the imagination - lines and shapes revealed - space and light instead of blackness. Silence being tentative, tender life of universe.
His beauty shall in these black lines be seen, and they shall live, and he in them still green.
Is his work vengeance? Or Justice? There is the finest line between the two and when i try to focus on it, it becomes less and less clear.
Or he was simply pretending—like many drinkers, he liked to think each new day drew a line under the day before.
The killers are the people who are ruining the world to line their pockets, poisoning us, burying us under garbage!
She saw the shallow lines beaded with blood in her long mirror, and when he told her that she was beautiful, she believed him.
Creativity's too big a pill; the truth's too hard to swallow. Sprinkle sugar in a straight line and we'll all inhale and follow.
Well, the plenty of fish in the sea thing is bullshit," I said. "The other fish are weird, smell funny, or hooked on someone else's fishing line.
A brick could be used as a color in a new line of lipstick, designed to woo the mason of every woman’s dreams.
Now she knew living was just a brief hiatus, a blip really, in the infinite line of nothingness that composed that shadowy realm of the unknown. It could stop at any time.
He remembers which sister I like least and asks how she is doing. (lines 9-11 of the poem 'Divorce')
Beauty is not the flawless perfection of youth, but the fine lines, scars, and wisdom which only living can give you.
Every cloud has a silver lining. The edge of light that shines brightest holds a sliver of hope for a bright today & an even better tomorrow.
The shadows of the room pool in the lines of our faces, draining our eyes of hue. "There's nothing left worth saying.
Seriously. Poor little me can deal with having mated a millionaire.” “Oh, you found someone else? With less money?