All questions have a basis in love. All answers lead to LOVE. If you can color everything in love, you have all the colors in the world.
It appeared that way, Lawrence, but this raised the question of was mathematics really true or was it just a game played with symbols? In other words—are we discovering Truth, or just wanking?
If we long for our planet to be important, there is something we can do about it. We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.
You don’t need to provide answers to question like “why were you born?”. Be committed to what excites you and what excites you will provide the answers!
The size of your body is just right. The only question is whether you're big enough inside.
Kora may have been a witch, and your father may have had prophetic dreams. But you Paige, is not a witch. You are something much more, but the question is what?
I knew the promise I was about to break.the one that started with a question. Words would be spoken. A vow would be made. A ring would be exchanged and a kiss would be placed
You like them," I realized. Noah's eyebrows lifted in question. "Like as people." "As opposed" "They're my PARENTS." "That is my understanding, yes.
Well," a female voice said. "What have we here?" "Here," Bethany said, responding to the woman's rhetorical question, "we have a teenager. And she's pissed.
Historical novels are, without question, the best way of teaching history, for they offer the human stories behind the events and leave the reader with a desire to know more.
I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It's all a question of how I view my life.
Do you still look at each other like you once did, back at the beginning of the story when everything was a question you were too afraid to find the answer to?
If there is a God, you owe him far more than a morally decent life. He deserves to be at the center of your life.
The fulness of the Spirit is not a question of our getting more of the Holy Spirit, but rather of the Holy Spirit getting more of us.
Roland of Gilead responded as he ever had and ever would when such useless, mystifying questions were raised: 'Ka.
Where questions of religion are concerned, people are guilty of every possible sort of dishonesty and intellectual misdemeanor.
Even in the darkest and most cruel person, there is still a kernel of good. and within the most perfect champion, there is also darkness. The question is, will one give into the dark or the light?
...ambition or contentment? This simple question led me back to a more balanced view of life and put me in touch with the Me I used to know...
What Helen of Troy did in her spare time and what she was 'really like' are not questions that torture us.
... because a fight's worth nothing if you know from the start that you're going to win it. It's the ones in between that test you. They're the ones that bring questions with them.