Heaven is full of answers for which nobody ever bothered to ask.
People always ask 'Why is Bubba different?' They're just trying to figure it out.
We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain.
At the premieres, I always watch the audience. If a child asks to go to the bathroom, I know I've failed.
When friends ask for a second cup they are open to conversation.
I understand that if you set out to be a celebrity, then you asked for it, but all I wanted to be was an actor.
If you win a race, you don't ask how you did it, as long as you do it.
Shortly after that, we got management problems over in England, and Judas Priest asked me to join.
Cute girls and burgers. What more can you ask for? That's why we live in America.
Frankie scanned her eyes. I don’t ask for things. I take them.
Islam doesn't ask you to cover your eyes, but to guard them.
A fair observer only has to ask: If there is violence, who profits?
'Tis easier for the generous to forgive, than for offence to ask it.
Ask not the elves for advice, because they will tell you both 'yes' and 'no'.
People ask me, what was your rock bottom? I say, pick.
I'm the worst person to ask about how to get noticed. It took me 25 years.
Ask any soldier. To kill a man is to merit a woman.
If you don't fix latent failures in your system, you're asking for trouble.
All is not lost – so why the hell should it stop to ask for directions???
At that time, we were in charge. We didn't ask. We just did. We just did what was in our heart.
If I asked you to stand in one spot for 35 hours or a certain length of time, you could do it.