Ask yourself, if there was to be no blame, and if there was to be no praise, who would I be then?
Don't ask to live in tranquil times. Literature doesn't grow there.
When I sit down to write I actually ask myself,
I'm respected, I'm still working, what more could I ask?
Every song asks to be sung in a different way.
Entrepreneurs don’t ask for permission. They act per a mission.
People always ask me, how do you do everything you do?
Nooooooo... favorite film, that's like asking if you have a favorite kid!
Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor.
Once they ask for a recount, we will provide them with a recount.
If you have to ask what jazz is you will never know." Louis Armstrong
The secret of life is knowing what you want and asking for it.
Ask the poor. They'll tell you who the christians are.
Yes. I've been asked to pose nude, but I never have, and I probably never will.
I will do anything for anybody that asks me to do anything for a kid.
If I don't ask for something, I'm not going to get it.
I was asked to come to Chicago because Chicago is one of our fifty-two states.
How do you start you ask? You start by starting.
I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ask for the ballot for the Negro and not for the woman.
When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.
I'm not a snob. Ask anybody. Well, anybody who matters.