We have only God on our side; they have 'In God We Trust' on their side.
I enjoy life. I always enjoy jokes.
I try to separate my personal life from swimming.
I would love to be a player today. I had the right personality for it.
I love winning. I don't like losing.
I had started my love affair with Wimbledon.
Not winning at Wimbledon is not going to bother me forever.
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
Didn't come up here to read. Came up here to hit.
This taught me a lesson, but I'm not quite sure what it is.
I'm proud of the fact that I pitched almost 3,300 innings.
Ash: You did it kid...
Ash: [to Henrietta] Let's go.
Not every child is cut out for an individual sport.
To the people out there, baseball is a simple sport. But it is complex. It is never easy.
Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors.
All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity.
I won't predict anything historic. But nothing is impossible.
It's a round ball and a round bat, and you got to hit it square.
I play some fighting games, but mostly I just play sports.