I still pay full tax when I work in England and the same when I work in America.
Being a chef would be too much hard work.
I could work out a lot of my emotions by going to class and dancing.
If people aren't in sync, things won't work out well.
I swim when I can but I don't work out.
I developed a really strong work ethic, and I don't take anything for granted.
When I draw something, the brain and the hands work together.
I don't pay to have my dirty work done for me. I do it myself.
I'll watch golf while I work out. I'm your average golf fan.
My work ethic I learned at Miami High, and I have taken that with me.
I could work 24 hours and I wouldn't complain once because I'm happiest when I'm working.
I work hard and I play hard, too. There is nothing wrong with that.
There can be little doubt that absence from work, and inefficient work, are frequently due to intemperance.
I might not be the greatest actor, but I walk into every project willing to work hard.
After I learn more English, I'll work hard and make more films.
We've waged war on work. We have collectively agreed, stupidly, that work is the enemy.
To be able to accept everything that comes our way, even the things we don’t want to accept, is the art of Love. However, this acceptance isn’t to become conformists or martyrs. The art of accepting has to do with surrendering the need for contro...
Enmerson's interest is in the workshop phase, the birthing stage of art, not the museum moment, the embalming phase. Poetry mimics Creation and is therefore sacred. More precisely, just as God may indeed be a verb (as Mary Daly insists), poetry is th...
Each year about 600,000 start-ups are launched. Less than 0.5 percent attract VC. Of Inc. magazine's annual list of the 500 fastest growing companies in the United States assessed over a decade (1997–2007), less than 20 percent of companies were ve...
It's a rare gift to be appreciated by even one person. In life, the majority may not ever notice you. Know You're still relevant. You're always great. There will always be countless varieties of energies on earth. Not just anyone- Nor will everyone s...
If other people do not understand our behavior—so what? Their request that we must only do what they understand is an attempt to dictate to us. If this is being "asocial" or "irrational" in their eyes, so be it. Mostly they resent our freedom and o...