War is sometimes described as long periods of boredom punctuated by short moments of excitement. History is often similar, if rather safer.
The Victorian era was perhaps the last point in Western history when magic and science were allowed to coexist.
The study of history is an antidote to the hubris of the present – the idea that everything we have, everything we do and everything we think is the ultimate, the best.
I'm trying to deal with ideas about histories, fame, hearsay, and how public identities are constructed.
Somewhere, all the people we have loved and lost are still among us, in the house that we call history.
There are many examples of men in history who could give us a better mirror after which to pattern ourselves
Hitler is the rare individual who really did make history - specifically he made it worse.
Throughout American history many of our social gains and much of our progress toward democracy were made possible by the active intervention of the federal government.
Captain Ramius: A great day comrades, we sail into history!
Brand: Well we got this far, further than any human in history. Cooper: Well not far enough!
Jack Horner: We're about to make film history, right here... on videotape.
People come and people go, but it's rare that one makes enough of an impact in life, that others will read as history.
... civilization—a word that simply means "living in cities..." Excerpt From: Standage, Tom. “A History of the World In 6 Glasses.
What is history but the story of how politicians have squandered the blood and treasure of the human race?
(about William Blake) As for Blake's happiness--a man who knew him said: "If asked whether I ever knew among the intellectual, a happy man, Blake would be the only one who would immediately occur to me." And yet this creative power in Blake did not c...
When we look closely, not only at what Jesus taught but at how he went about disseminating his message, time and again we find that what he was preaching was the gospel of a partnership society. He rejected the dogma that high-ranking men - in Jesus'...
Like Goethe's offers a wide panorama of scenes from the vulgar to the sublime, with passages of wondrous poetry that can be sensed even through the veil of translation. And it also preserves the iridescence of its modern theme. From it Oswald Spengle...
Well, in a world where so few of us are obliged to cook at all anymore, to choose to do so is to lodge a protest against specialization—against the total rationalization of life. Against the infiltration of commercial interests into every last cran...
For his part, Mendeleev scanned Lecoq de Boisbaudran’s data on gallium and told the experimentalist, with no justification, that he must have measured something wrong, because the density and weight of gallium differed from Mendeleev’s prediction...
So, O king, does the present life of man on earth seem to me, in comparison with the time which is unknown to us, as though a sparrow flew swiftly through the hall, coming in by one door and going out by the other, and you, the while, sat at meat wit...
At the age of fifteen he had bought off a twopenny stall in the market a duo-decimo book of recipes, gossip, and homilies, printed in 1605. His stepmother, able to read figures, had screamed at the sight of it when he had proudly brought it home. 160...