I've been running my whole life. Running into bars, running around the world. But when you have a child, you can't run. That was a revelation.
I spent my adult life as a scientist, and science is, essentially, the most successful approach we have to try and understand the vast mysteries around.
Racing is a very selfish, self-centred, self-glorifying thing. My wife's life for 14 years was centered around me. It was all about me. It was all for my ego.
Since I was a child, my whole life has revolved around music. It's often while listening to a song that ideas for my fashion collections formed.
My music - that's the one area I won't let myself be pushed around. But in other parts of my life, I'm a confused mess.
In a city where you walk around, it's impossible to plan your day and your life as accidents will happen, you'll overhear things, bump into people, and take unexpected turns.
Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around.
Some people still make promises and keep those they make. When they do, they help make life around them more stably human.
Balance in life is the key, as Aristotle taught us. Nobody likes a naive Pollyanna, but neither do we like to be around people who are constantly complaining and finding fault.
The force that keeps the planets revolving around the sun would be glad to handle the circumstances of your life, if only you would ask him to.
Since I quit banking, all my major life decisions, when they could, have revolved around writing.
Well, to take me from where I was, and the life I was leading, to the life I lead now with the church and with the Lord and with Jesus Christ, it's a total, total turn-around.
My life is nothing like my videos. I'm definitely not walking around with lots of hot women, as I am in my videos.
Harvey never had an original idea or thought in his life. I was out wandering around the country doing charity benefits, mainly, when I asked him to come along.
You get into your late fifties, people start falling like flies all around you. I don't take life for granted any more. I'm really glad to be here.
My life has two modes. One is sitting around writing and contemplating or building things. The other is execution mode. It takes a while to switch from one to the other.
You may be pulling from different influences because of different things that are going on in your life, different people that are around you and more experiences to pull from.
I'm learning to deal with my loneliness because then nobody can muck me around any more.
I like working solo and it was a lot of fun joking around with the audience, saying things. I'm only just learning how to do certain things.
I love the idea that magic and witchcraft and battles between supernatural creatures could be raging all around us but just out of our sight.
It's not that I don't love the song. My songs are like my children: some you want around and some you want to send off to college as soon as possible.