Race in America is not a problem you can go over, or around or under. You've got to go through it.
Mitch LandrieuI never feel like a smug or a smart-alec film director, and there are plenty of those around.
Martin McDonaghAround 1967 Dan Bobrow wrote a program to do algebra problems based on symbols rather than numbers.
Marvin MinskyIf you feel alienated from people around you, it's because no one tries to understand you.
Robert SmithEveryone look around and see if you can spot the NARCS. They're the ones who look like hippies.
Robert Anton WilsonThe first thing you need to run for President is a budget of around $20 million dollars a day.
Rob WaltonSo when they come around and say they want to do our stuff in America, it's compliment really.
Sean Booth