It is essential that men start being interested in and excited by how women think.
Women are incredible in groups together. Terrifying. Men have nothing on them.
Basically I'm trying to make men more sensitive and women stronger.
Without a doubt in sketch comedy there are fewer women than men.
It's always the same - all men and women want to be sexy.
Women need to learn to value themselves. But that has to be inculcated in men as much as women.
I think women can cope a lot better than men.
I think women are really self-analytical in a way that men aren't.
Mom ran the house, so we grew up Portuguese.
I'm not a mom, but I think the word 'mother' is about wisdom.
My mother was a single mom, and most of the women I know are strong.
I've never understood what the upside of marriage would be for me personally.
Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is a bicycle repair kit.
Marriage has historically been in the domain of the States to regulate.
I like getting married, but I don't like being married.
It's not someone else's responsibility to honor my marriage. It's my responsibility.
A wedding is a funeral where you smell your own flowers.
The two most important words in marriage for me are 'yes, dear.'
Marriage to Fernando offered shelter and security, but the shackle was the price I'd pay.
I think marriage is a boring and fault-ridden contractual obligation.
Traditional marriage is what should be sanctioned.