I would hope everyone would be a feminist.
I hope there are some audiophiles still out there.
The sudden death at 51 of James Gandolfini is intolerable.
The coward sneaks to death; the brave live on.
I'm always on the verge of death in my head.
For me, habit is just a synonym for death.
There is no more final end than death.
'Death Of A Salesman' is a great acting job.
I can't be on the cheeseburger diet all the time.
The Diet was dissolved by a Reich Government decree.
You can plant a dream.
I have quite a lot of anxiety dreams.
I've got big, big dreams for the future.
Sexual dreams aren't usually about sex.
I hardly ever remember my dreams.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.
I'd love to design a school.
Time is not eternal but was created by God at the beginning.
People are optimistic about the future.
One of my favorite movies is 'Back to the Future'.
Israel is my past. My two boys are my future.