Indeed, a man is rather being thought than thinking, when a new thought arises in his mind.
A Dish of OrtsMISUNDERSTANDING" arises only when you see the things with Closed Eyes
KISS Life "Life is what you make it"Yet some happiness must and would arise, from the very conviction, that he did suffer.
Mansfield ParkWhen the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.
Nonviolence: The Transforming PowerWhenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within.
The Oracle of Poetic WisdomNever judge yourself so harshly that you never arise from the ashes of life.
Refreshing Winds 31 Day DevotionalYou are destiny for greatness. Arise and shine for the glory of God is upon you.
Think Great: Be Great: Beautiful Quotes