Randal Graves: Before he was the Mad Ducats guy, he was just Pickle Fucker. You see, freshman year, the seniors would hunt us down and put us through what they called "initiations." They'd stuff us into lockers or throw us in the girl's shower room n...
Randal Graves: Man, you must love this fucking guy, 'cause he's the biggest pussy I ever met, the dude who lives his life according to everyone else's standards. "I have to go down to Florida and get married because that what's expected of me." And t...
Kay Corleone: Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael. Just like our marriage is an abortion. Something that's unholy and evil. I didn't want your son, Michael! I wouldn't bring another o...
[answering the phone] Middle-Aged Marty: Hey, Needles. Needles: So, did you take a look at that little business proposal of mine? Middle-Aged Marty: I don't know, Needles. Needles: What are you afraid of? If this thing works it'll solve all your fina...
today we read of Don Quixote with a bitter taste in the mouth, it is almost an ordeal, which would make us seem very strange and incomprehensible to the author and his contemporaries, – they read it with a clear conscience as the funniest of books,...
A BILL OF ASSERTIVE RIGHTS I: You have the right to judge your own behavior, thoughts, and emotions, and to take the responsibility for their initiation and consequences upon yourself. II: You have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for justify...
Becky: [on the roof about to teach Dante how to dance] Hey, Twelve-Step! [Jay looks around confused] Becky: Jay! Jay: [looks up] Lord? Becky: Up here, jackass. Jay: [moves so he can see her] What the fuck are you doing up there? Yo, if you're gonna j...
Elias: Randal... [Holds up onion ring] Elias: "One ring to rule them all." Randal Graves: And you wonder why no chick'll let you stick your cock in her. Elias: I never wondered that. Randal Graves: Yeah, 'cause you've accepted the fact that you'll ne...
Don Fanucci: Young man, I hear you and your friends are stealing goods. But you don't even send a dress to my house. No respect! You know I've got three daughters. This is my neighborhood. You and your friends should show me some respect. You should ...
Iko 'Jitz' Fujitsu, Marty's Boss in 2015: [shouts] McFly! Middle-Aged Marty: Fujitsu-san, Konnichiwa. Iko 'Jitz' Fujitsu, Marty's Boss in 2015: McFly, I was monitoring that scan you just interfaced. You are *terminated*! Middle-Aged Marty: Terminated...
Doc: They're taking her home, to your future home! We'll arrive shortly thereafter, get her out of there and go back to 1985. Marty McFly: You mean, I'm gonna see where I live? I'm gonna see myself as an old man? Doc: No, no, no Marty, that could res...
THE POEMS OF OUR CLIMATE I Clear water in a brilliant bowl, Pink and white carnations. The light In the room more like a snowy air, Reflecting snow. A newly-fallen snow At the end of winter when afternoons return. Pink and white carnations - one desi...
Esti singur in vartejul suferintei tale si daca vrei sa iesi trebuie sa tragi aer in piept si sa te scufunzi pana se sfarseste. Mai degraba iubeste-o pana cand iubirea ti se face apa si se scurge prin toti porii. Iubeste-o in absenta. Va fi ca si cum...
Two Songs For The World's End I Bombs ripen on the leafless tree under which the children play. And there my darling all alone dances in the spying day. I gave her nerves to feel her pain, I put her mortal beauty on. I taught her love that hate might...
Randal Graves: I know you've given a blowjob, right? Becky: I haven't even put my purse down, yet. Randal Graves: That's a yes. Randal Graves: [to Dante] And I know you've gone down on chicks. Becky: What's your point? Randal Graves: Well, when you'r...
Hyman Roth: There was this kid I grew up with; he was younger than me. Sorta looked up to me, you know. We did our first work together, worked our way out of the street. Things were good, we made the most of it. During Prohibition, we ran molasses in...
Lorraine Baines: Dammit Biff, that's it. I'm leaving! Biff Tannen: Oh, so go ahead. But think about this Lorraine, who's gonna pay for all your clothes, huh? And your jewelry, and your liquor? Who's gonna pay for your cosmetic surgery Lorraine? Lorra...