But this was not quite the right kraken apocalypse.
In a zombie apocalypse, I expect insane things to happen.
...up to no good—and pleased about it.
I love my virginity to the apocalypse.
I'm not the apocalypse nor the promised land.
Do not doubt the beauty of your heart.
All death matters." "Only to the living.
Virtue is imaginative, evil repetitive.
We are living on the brink of the apocalypse, but the world is asleep.
[last lines] Kurtz: [voiceover] The horror... the horror...
Lance: Disneyland? Fuck, man, this is better than Disneyland!
Roxanne: The war will still be here tomorrow.
[the redux version] Hubert de Marais: Communist traitor's at home!
The generative function is strictly nothing but an animal one, and can never be anything else. True spirituality demands its utter extirpation; and while its proper exercise for the continuation of the human race, in the semi-animal stage of its evol...
Nothing should be worshipped [sic] that has form or is individuated. The universal Divine Life is alone to be worshipped. There is no colorless pantheism in this concept; for the God of each man is one with the universal God: the Conqueror obtains th...
It's an alien apocalypse! Quick, grab the beer!
Everyone should be comfy during the apocalypse.
I was like a thought slipping through the fissures...
In wars, it is always the children who suffer the most.
Kilgore: You can either surf, or you can fight!
Ambition and stupidity are a dangerous combination.