If I'd learned anything, it was that the gods never had good news - especially when it was delivered by the resurrected corpse of your worst enemy.
Never did she find anything so difficult as to keep herself from losing her temper when she was suddenly disturbed while absorbed in a book.
If "Sex and the City" taught us anything, it's that Paris is the only city in the world that New Yorkers actually fantasize about.
I knew something was there, precisely because I hadn’t found anything and the space seemed empty. That’s also how I’m searching for love.
If you don't have anything useful to offer, then get out of here and let us wait until hunger weakens Sonya." And by , I meant:
I still love you. I will always love you, and that is all that matters. I will forgive you anything, and I will forgive you this.
There seemed to be no one in a position of power, from the Vatican to Wall Street, from Parliament to Scotland Yard to Fleet Street, who could think of anything better to do than abuse it....
Safe?' said Mr. Beaver. 'Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe, but he's good. He's the King, I tell you.
Anybody or anything may stand between you and knowledge if you are unfit for it.
The mind-blowing, ridiculous sex which was the stuff of both poetry and porn - so unlike anything else I had ever experienced before.
Blessed with the love of a good man, I felt equal to anything - even the prospect of living out my days in the Antipodes.
You know anything about investigative work?" "Sure. Annoy the people involved until the guilt party tries to make you go away.
She had the hard, half-apathetic expression of one who deems anything possible at the hands of time and chance, except perhaps fair play
I think women sign on for some ideal when they get married, and when they realise they haven't got anything close to what they want, they bury their disappointment.
Governments are the deadliest terrorist organizations that have ever existed if body count means anything.
My Zora senses are tingling," I said. Nathan looked at me blankly. "Right, you don't know anything about Spiderman," I remembered. "Spider who?" he asked.
But then, anyone was capable of any manner of atrocities if they wanted something bad enough. People could justify anything to themselves if they wanted it bad enough. No one was immune to that.
Sometimes I think the loneliness inside of me is going to explode through my skin and sometimes im not sure if crying or screaming or laughing through the hysteria will solve anything at all
Nobody has to do anything wrong to end up living a life that feels like it’s not their own, all they have to do is take a step back, and hope for the best.
We are losing the ability to understand anything that's even vaguely complex.
I steal sleep. I steal it from people who are asleep, because it’s not like they’ll even notice anything’s been taken until it’s too late—or too early.