Until we will be able to shape the universe the way we wanted, mankind will not be taken seriously by the universe and he shall remain as insignificant ants of the universe!
Religion was nearly dead because there was no longer real belief in future life; but something was struggling to take its place - service - social service - the ants creed, the bees creed.
Well, let me tell you, ants are the dominant insects. They make up as much as a quarter of the biomass of all insects in the world. They are the principal predators. They're the cemetery workers.
We're all like little ants who scurry around with the materials that are at hand right now. Each generation finds new materials. Its just evolution, isn't it?
Farmer #1: [noting Jack outside] Say... that the piss ant that used to ride the bulls? Farmer #2: Used to *try*.
Dame los puñales; los que duermen y los muertos no son sino sombras; únicamente los ojos de los niños tiemblan ante una estampa del diablo.
As a kid, I lived in a fantasy world. I used to believe ants could talk. Not once did they say thank you.
The aboriginal women leaders of Papunya - the Papunya Artists - performed a dance for me: the Honey Ant dance. They'd never done it for anyone else. They honoured me with a ceremonial stick that signifies the story of the land.
It’s more like he was an ant in the land of elephants. Nobody would notice his presence, no matter how much noise he might make.
Listen to me. They may control what you do, but no one can pee on your soul without your permission.
El primer deseo es importante porque está escondido, prohibido, no permitido. No sabes si estás ante tu otra mitad perdida, ella tampoco lo sabe, pero algo te atrae, y es preciso creer que es verdad.
Conocía demasiado bien la soledad. Y ahora sería más cruda que antes, pues tendría clavado como un aguijón el recuerdo de la dicha fugaz que había conocido.
We are jealous our close neighbors, but not the sun and its care. (Nous jalousons nos proches voisins, - Mais pas le soleil et ses soins.) (The Ant / La Fourmi)
La verdadera generosidad es anónima hasta tal punto que un hombre debería estar incluso preparado para ser considerado tacaño antes que tener que explicar sus acciones a otros.
Michael put a deodorant in the car which Julie wished he would stop called,'Aunty Alice's anti-fart stick,' in front of the children.
Me parece que no lo entiendes. Las vidas de las personas pasan por delante de sus ojos antes de que mueran, y el proceso se llama 'vivir'. ¿Te apetece un camarón?
Tú mataste a mi hermano, Gryal, por ti he cruzado ríos y montañas. ¡Por ti he matado! ¿Y ahora te muestras ante mí con esa cara de idiota?
Even kings and emperors, with mountains of property and oceans of wealth - these are not even equal to an ant, who does not forget God.
How in the world did they just jump from politics, to a ball, and now to daimon attacks? And here I’d thought I had the attention span of an ant on Red Bull.
¿Te roba algo de tu alegría que yo haya pertenecido antes a otro y que otro me posea después de ti? ¿Será menor tu placer porque otro haya sido feliz como tú?
I have trouble controlling my base emotions when the moon is full, but anger is the hardest for me. If I'm mad, I turn into the Hulk. Except I'm not green.