Each new day offers the chance to start afresh, to achieve those things you most desires.
Unleash The Power of Your Heart and MindWhich do I care more about - demanding my rights or displaying right choices?
Unglued Devotional: 60 Days of Imperfect ProgressOne day I realized a new found superpower was bestowed upon me. I could walk straight on sidewalks.
Write like no one is reading 2The rat is the mous- tache in the trache. the wrong- doer in the soer.
World Rat Day: Poems About Real Holidays You've Never Heard OfThe word very will vary in muchiness. I love you very much, and that won’t vary from day to day.
XazaqazaxYou can't rest on yesterday's growth. You must be dedicated to growing today... and every day.
A Young Man After God's Own Heart