I hate being thought of as a product.
To be interested in food but not in food production is clearly absurd.
For the last five years I've been in the production business.
Any product that needs a manual to work is broken.
Paying good wages is not in opposition to good productivity.
Creativity is key to productivity and prosperity.
I wear clothes and sell products and ideas.
Production is the only answer to inflation.
Charm is a product of the unexpected.
People's interest is in the product, not in its authorship.
Sporting goods companies pay me not to endorse their products.
We are what we see. We are products of our surroundings.
A pierde tot ce se poate pierde" Bărbatul este un animal indirect, Gingaş sufletul lui de neînţeles este. Umbra unei frunze o ţine în braţe, frunza nu, frunza nu. Fuga unui iepure o ţine pe câmp, iepurele nu, iepurele nu Foame îi e de ce n-...
Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn.
We are the storytelling animal.
I've done the voice for the Hulk for the animated cartoon.
Animal testing is needless, especially in cosmetics.
Man is the only animal that blushes - or needs to.
The earth is a great big orphanage for most animals.
God looks after children, animals and idiots.
We should all love animals.