The geologic column is a bunch of balarky.
The geologic cycle is a bunch of balarky.
A man in loss is not a man to trust.
Loyalty is smart with patience.
A tap is a zero-length swipe.
I did a lot of hiking and I loved it.
This is my mind , i own it!
I get excited by landscape.
I have to laugh at myself.
Suffering degrades, embitters and enrages.
A doctor, a teacher and a politician have no caste.
We are limited by knowledge, not by courage.
My 'passion' is my priority.
I chase goals, not girls.
Beauty is an advantage, smile is guarantee.
Magician is the best storyteller in the world.
Fame is a very strange animal.
I was afraid to express myself for a while.
I like to get real pretty.
Wine is a peep-hole on a man.
I'm not a diva - not yet, anyway.