The writer dreams awake. The killer nightmares awake. (L’écrivain rêve éveillé. - Le tueur cauchemarde éveillé)
Being lonely is not a bad thing for a writer.
All writers behave badly. All people behave badly.
When a writer dies, he becomes his books.
Humility is not a virtue in a writer, it is an absolute necessity.
Every record, you've got more experiences to draw on as a writer and a musician.
Writers should be read but not seen. Rarely are they a winsome sight.
Creative writers are always greater than the causes that they represent.
I have more to say as a writer than from behind a wok.
The writer's object is - or should be - to hold the reader's attention.
The writers are the stars of every really successful sitcom.
Writer's block is caused by forcing your will on the Divine.
Nowadays three witty turns of phrase and a lie make a writer.
I think with every writer there are two people there.
I'm a writer, and what I do is write. I wasn't able to do anything else.
Perhaps as writers, we too should embrace the concept of wabi-sabi:
I think most co-directors and co-writers just hold hands.
Improv has been immensely beneficial to me as both an actor and a writer.
The director in TV and the writer and the creator are working very much hand in hand.
For a writer it's a dream to sit and watch people as close as possible.
The writer is the engineer of the human soul.