My fellow citizens, the American Presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery.
The Native American side was tragic. It's just unbelievable what has happened to them.
American audiences are just the same as any other audiences. Except a bit more boring.
Latin guys dance. American guys don't dance. That's a big difference.
Probably we'll think of Bush in years to come as an American hero.
Why should American atrocities be merely unsettling, but a trip to Hanoi unconscionable?
The problem with our role is Americans live in a world of illusion.
I wanted to make Canadian films, and I ended up making American films.
Few promises are more sacred than the ones we make to older Americans.
I wanted to see if the American man in plain brown pants and a bare torso could speak profound things.
I didn't go looking to marry an American, it just kinda happened like that.
The people that go on 'American Idol' do want some recognition and fame.
Americans used to be able to depend on their jobs to provide a stable retirement.
So for mutual interest, I do want American presence in this region.
My take on rap is driven by straightforward American southern rock and blues.
The black situation has changed. They finally realized they're Americans.
Why do more than 40 percent of Americans think that the Universe began after the domestication of the dog?
It is rarely that you see an American writer who is not hopelessly sane.
Dr. Martin Luther King is not a black hero. He is an American hero.
I think the Americans need to understand that a lot of times the children are bored in school, and that is why they are not staying in.
Obama's IRS is not the IRS I've ever known for over seventy years as an American citizen.