The American people are entitled to see the president and to hear his views directly, and not to see him only through the press.
We can preserve Social Security benefits for generations of Americans without privatizing this important program.
The alternative minimum tax was designed to prevent the very wealthiest Americans from overusing certain tax benefits to avoid most of their tax burden.
More than ever before, Americans are suffering from back problems: back taxes, back rent, back auto payments.
The advantage we have as Americans is that we can be fair; we tend to be more open-minded about different styles of wine.
The 'anchor baby' thing needs to be fixed... Anchor babies are an unconstitutional declaration of citizenship to those born of non-Americans. It's wrong, and it's immoral.
Over the long term, the only way we're going to raise wages, grow the economy, and improve American competitiveness is by investing in our people - especially their educations.
By the mid-1950s, more than a third of all America workers in the private sector were unionized. And the unions demanded and received a fair slice of the American pie.
If you circle above Central Park at night in a helicopter, you're looking down at the most expensive real estate in the world. It's the American Monopoly board.
And the reason I really appreciated this is because after the picture came out, I was invited by the American Psychiatric Association to give a lecture. I couldn't believe it!
American democracy is spoiled by people buying everything in sight and then selling and buying everything in sight, including our politicians.
The myth that John Locke was the philosopher behind the American Republic, is easily refuted by examining how Locke's philosophy steered Thomas Jefferson, for example.
What's interesting is the show allows for the awkward pauses to be captured, which makes it stylistically unique, especially for American audiences.
The American struggle for the vote was much more difficult than the English for the simple reason that it was much more easy.
My mother is Greek and my father is Bulgarian. I am a first-generation American and native Los Angeleno. I was born and raised in Hollywood.
For in the first place the American people could not have been swept too fast and too far in this movement without enough alarms being sounded to be heard and heeded.
Being an American is such a rich environment, because there's so many people from other countries and cultures, and through that you're able to see other people's experiences.
You'd never know it from reading the rest of the Native writers, but Indians actually grew up with American pop culture.
Why was the meeting between the Americans and the Russians so tensed? Because nobody knows what Vladimir Put In Barbara’s Bush! From 'Walk On By II
By the '40s, Sam Goldwyn is a very serious man. By the '50s, he's the dean of American producers. To the end, he was Hollywood's gray eminence.
I think we just need to stick to our knitting on the topics and the subjects the American people care about.