McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled.
Washburn's an old American name, but this one was assembled overseas.
There are millions of Americans who are suffering from chronic pain.
She was the Judy Garland of American poetry.
Americans love popcorn, and their love doesn't quit.
I sound like an Englishman impersonating an American impersonating an Englishman.
American greatness was elevated significantly after Sputnik.
There are millions and millions of patriotic Muslim Americans.
My father is American and deserted the Vietnam War.
Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: Do you know who I am? Thurston Howell: You're a friend of the family, I presume. Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: What does that mean? Thurston Howell: Nothing special. Just a spoke in the wheel. Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: You talk in rhymes...
Everything that is,casts a shadow
I love the Americans. They are my best friends.
I still insist that American performers are the best performers in the world.
I'm not American. I still have my Japanese citizenship.
I was raised to believe that we all have a civic duty and a responsibility as Americans to improve our neighborhoods and our nation.
The greatness of Americans is that we are mosaic - we are diverse.
We are African in origin and American in birth.
In this country we have no place for hyphenated Americans.
The American people's vote can't be bought.
George Wendt is a saint. And one of the finest American actors that we have.
Challenging leaders is as American as it gets.