God writes on crooked lines.
One of the questions I have been asked many times since this story broke is this: Now that the facts are out there, what can we do? My answer, depressing and cynical as it may be, is always the same. Not much. Not now. And certainly not until the Ame...
A veteran, calm and assured, he pauses for a well-measured moment in the doorway of the office and then, boldly, clearly, with the subtly modulated British intonation which his public demands of him, speaks his opening line, 'Good morning!' And the t...
American Idol transcends age, gender, ethnicity, everything.
The American dream is dead for the majority of America.
Winning 'American Idol' is awesome.
The spirit of graft and of lawlessness is the American spirit.
My family is Native American, and I was raised with Native American ceremonies.
Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.
God is not an American. Nature did not design Americans to be prosperous forever.
I think 'American Pie' is great.
I've lived the American dream.
I might be a Cuban American, but I'm also an Afro-Cuban American.
I auditioned for 'American Idol' at 17. They told me, 'No.'
I've always gotten a positive reaction to doing African-American characters.
She feels "Brutal Dynasty" actually may become the Great American Novel she and her fellow critics have been looking for so long.
The 'low' quality of many American films, and of much American popular culture, induces many art lovers to support cultural protectionism. Few people wish to see the cultural diversity of the world disappear under a wave of American market dominance.
No one understands and appreciates the American Dream of hard work leading to material rewards better than a non-American.
Most white Americans were willing to sacrifice civil liberties in the name of national security as long as they were the civil liberties of someone else.
The trip to Mars can only be understood through Black Americans. I say, the trip to Mars can only be understood through Black Americans.
Paris, as always, is swarming with Americans, and these days, it's also swarming with hamburgers. Oddly, though, it's not typically the Americans who are pursuing the perfect burger on the perfect bun with the obligatory side of perfect coleslaw; the...