I wanted to be a ballerina so badly. You can be seen and take over the spotlight without speaking. I had a fear of speaking in public back then.
Polling only works in a country without a depressed, frightened populace. Where the public trusts authorities enough to tell them the truth without fear of retribution.
I have to believe SF writers will continue to inspire the public to have faith in - to demand! - a future that is at least as big and bold as the past.
It seems so antithetical to the teachings of Christ to proclaim your faith in public. I mean, of course you're not supposed to hide your light under a bushel.
My view is that targets, properly constructed and applied across public services have been fundamental to past successes and will be an essential part of sustaining progress into the future.
I'm not sure it pays to do anything remotely public in Britain. It's such a spiteful society. People seem to enjoy making your life hard for the sake of it.
You know, I have found out in the course of a long public life that the things I did not say never hurt me.
I never talk about my wife: we're both in public professions but we try to keep our private life private.
You know, when you're in public life, everything you do is out there. But I am proud to stand on my record.
People before the public live an imagined life in the thought of others, and flourish or feel faint as their self outside themselves grows bright or dwindles in that mirror.
There's the part of my life that the public and I share together. And there's the part that's mine to keep for myself. And that's mine. For me.
What is inherently wrong with the word 'politician' if the fellow has devoted his life to holding public office and trying to do something for his people?
Comedians are sociologists. We're pointing out stuff that the general public doesn't even stop to think about, looking at life in slow-motion and questioning everything we see.
I don't think anyone's sexuality needs to be a public issue other than to give others the confidence to love themselves wholeheartedly and to be their true, authentic self without any shame.
My greatest debt will always be to the movie-going public of yesterday and today, without whose love and devotion I would have had no story to tell.
Words without deeds is an affront to the principle that guides our Nation and makes a mockery of the values we as public servants claim to love.
People love to see public figures get taken down a notch, and by the same token, everyone loves to be the center of attention, even when there's a target on their forehead.
The beauty of life lies in being courageous enough to display your true identify in the public light.
I remember as a kid having the offer of a scholarship, that it was going to be like going to Mars, and deciding to stay in my public school.
Without better economic opportunity, you can't have better public security and vice versa.
I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.