To frustrated Americans who have begun boycotting BP: Welcome to the club. It's great not to be the only member any more!
I was sick and tired of being an English actor who did a lot of American movies because I was cheap and good.
Americans do not have a good track record when it comes to preparing for disasters, unless they see a clear possibility of personally being in harms way.
Clean energy is good for the environment, good for national security, and good for thousands of Americans who desire a rewarding career.
There's something grounded about 'Ugly Americans,' so I think it's good that I'm playing a version of myself in these elevated cartoon circumstances.
The federal government has a responsibility to protect all Americans from potential terrorist attack.
Uncritical American boosterism - automatic endorsement of every government action - is myopic and self-defeating.
I've always admired President Chavez for standing up to imperialism and the meddling of the American government in South America.
I believe that it is my right and responsibility as an American to question our government when our government is wrong.
American capitalists, enthralled by the doctrines of finance, have put their income statements in service of the balance sheet.
The most important thing for me is to have real friendship between Egyptians and Americans.
Modern Americans suffer from a fear of judging. Passing judgment on the behavior of fellow human beings is considered an act of medieval, undemocratic intolerance.
I mentioned that one of the tripartite formulas in American worldview involves time: past, present, and future.
The executive moves we are announcing today will strengthen American for the long-term future and reflect well on the depth of the Company's management team.
I was a little bit ashamed of American TV because I thought, 'None of the shows my father works on are as funny as my father.'
We stand strong together - as Americans - many cultures, races and faiths, but one nation under God.
There are whole precincts of voters in this country whose united intelligence does not equal that of one representative American woman.
I think for most Americans, knowledge of the Islamic world was pretty slight before 9/11, and then it was thrust upon us in one of America's darkest hours.
When the world lacks muscular and wise American leadership, it devolves into total chaos, which, in turn, produces unspeakable evils.
But 85 percent of the mosques have extremist leadership in this country. Most Muslims, the overwhelming majority of Muslims, are loyal Americans.
It is a point of pride for the American male to keep the same size Jockey shorts for his entire life.