The key ingredient in engaging the power available from service is motive.
Is everyone who lives in Ignorance like you?" asked Milo. "Much worse," he said longingly. "But I don't live here. I'm from a place very far away called Context.
Every time you ask for forgiveness, you declare that your life does not belong to you, but has been created for the purpose of Another.
Some people us language to describe the lives they lead, and other people use language to create the lives they lead.
The bonsai grower knows that if she can give life to a product that lives forever and perpetually adds value to the lives of others, she has not only a success but a legacy.
We are bastards of the gods, Sorvus, you and I. I once shared the dream you seem to think you are now living. The dream of living here, in Northbrook, the birthplace of our mothers." Thais turned his head to the trees. He heard something. "Such decep...
The trouble with living alone, she had discovered-and the reason why most people she knew didn't like to be alone even for a little while-was that the longer you lived alone, the louder the voices on the right side of your brain got.
Some people work to live, and other people live to work. Then some people, like me, are both unemployed and alive (at least at the time of this writing).
My plan to live from 65 to forever is to simply keep showing up. I also don’t want to retire at the same age as a road’s speed limit—unless that speed limit is 35. Live slow, die old.
In other words, we are never freer than when we become most ourselves, most human, most just, most excellent, and the like.
Power has always been held by those who manage to controls the origins of life by controlling woman's bodies.
Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Instead, shake things up today! Live through today. Don’t just exist through it - LIVE through it!
Anyone who ever bet against you was wrong. Don’t let their opinion blind you from your reality. You were not meant to live their life; LIVE yours!
When you are committed to live your life being true to yourself, you need to free your feelings in order to experience all that life has to offer. If you try to control your feelings, there is no doubt that the life you are living is merely a lie.
Living with him is like being told a perpetual story: his mind is the biggest, most imaginative I have ever met. I could live in its growing countries forever.
Open relating is transparent, godly, with a commitment of the heart, without expectancy and yet devotional; it is similar to what you have with God or Supreme Consciousness.
The quicker your forget unpleasant instances and forgive yourself or others for wrong deeds, the better are your chances of focusing on your aspirations and working towards them.
Being involved with passion is one of the common characteristics I have observed in all the successful people I have come across.
Only those who are able to adapt to changing scenarios will continue to survive and prosper. Success is directly proportional to the degree of positive adaptation to change.
Being a team player will help you climb the ladder of success. Furthermore, a successful team player can rise to the level of team leader in the future.
When amazing people with an unshakable instinct for survibal put together, they can achieve what might seem impossible to others.