With things in my personal life, if I talk about it, it doesn't stay personal.
If my life is of no value to my friends it is of none to myself.
My career decisions have nothing to do with my personal life.
I never worked in an office in my life.
In my everyday life, I'm a jeans and button-up shirt kind of guy.
My life is not just about the past.
I don't want to spend my life on an ice cube.
Life is too short not to do a little practical joking.
I'm single. I had to make a few changes in my life.
I don't know if I'm able to play a cop for the rest of my life.
I think everybody has the right to a private life.
Keeping your private life as private as possible is the smartest thing.
It's really important that I have a personal life.
I've certainly experienced physical pain in my life.
I'm pretty sure that I was JFK in my past life.
I'm lucky, always hopeful... I love my life.
I didn't go to America to be a star, but to try to reclaim my life.
It was Howard Hawks who changed my life.
Music is the emotional life of most people.
I've missed a lot of trains in my life, and another one always comes.
I'm a musical person, and that's what I want my life to be about.